Past Forums
Better Communication for Addressing Public Health Challenges in a Post-2015 World
As the United Nations prepares to release the Post-2015 Framework, how we communicate public health issues will be vital in how we achieve and finance new health benchmarks in a Post-2015 world. Against the backdrop of the 2014 World Health Assembly, we will explore the challenges of communicating and financing public health issues.
Geneva, Switzerland — InterContinental Geneve
A Discussion with Health Ministers, Multilateral, Bilateral, Philanthropic, Corporate and Banking Institutions
The Center for Global Health and Diplomacy (GHD) is bringing together leading global thought leaders to advance consensus solutions to the challenge of financing health in the post-2015 era.
Geneva, Switzerland — InterContinental Geneve
Honoring Champions in the Global Fight Against TB
TB claims a life every 18 seconds and especially effects the poor and vulnerable as well as women, children, and people living with HIV/AIDS. Yet, TB is one of the world's best buys in global health, since it can be cured with inexpensive drugs, and major innovations are on the horizon that will reduce suffering and save lives.
Communicating Complexity in Public
Health for a Better World
Amongst the backdrop of the 2014 WEF meeting theme, "The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business." This Roundtable will explore the challenges of communicating public health issues under conditions of increasing speed of discovery and ubiquitous dissemination.
World Economic Forum 2014
As world leaders meet for the 2014 World Economic Forum in Davos, The Center for Global Health and Diplomacy, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) will host a roundtable to discuss innovative business models for health.